Enjoy these offerings while the physical center gets developed
All Offered in person and online
House Clearings and Blessings
All services offered remotely and in person
Our home is our oasis.
Imbue your home with love, joy, healing energy and prosperity
Source your Source
Retreat Program
The wellbeing of the planet is affected by the health of every individual on it. If a person is in distress or disease the whole world is influenced by it. Equally, if even a single individual is free from discord or suffering the wellness of the whole world increases.
In other words, every action that we take affects each and everybody else
With meditation, silence, yoga and inner practice, we create change within which positively influences everything around.
Every person can do his or her part to influence the world. Teaching people to re-connect with their inner power and awaken the love that is in every heart, serves the world as a whole.
Participants experience a rich curriculum that provides practice and education in:​
Healthy nutrition
Sound Healing