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Disconnect to Reconnect

Go Offline 


Take a breath of fresh air

Some of the many

Benefits of this Offline Sojourn


  • Cleanse your body

  • Increase clarity

  • Enhance immunity

  • Clear your mind 

  • Rejuvenate body cells

  • Energize and increase vitality

  • Provide a sense of body lightness 

  • Calm the emotions and increase sense of inner peace


Satisfy your hunger. Nourish body, heart, mind, and soul!


A clean gut supports

A clear mind 

A clear mind supports

the unobstructed

expression of the Heart



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3 day Juice Detox


(Ingredients listed all based on seasonal availability) 


Liver and Kidney Support : Beet, celery, apple, lemon - Aid the re-set and revitalization of liver and kidney - half gallon (64oz)


Heavy metal detox: fresh coconut water, cucumber, cilantro - for flushing out chemicals, heavy metals and cleansing the kidneys - half gallon (64oz)


* Gut Re-set: Activated flax mylk with  Ayurvedic spices - for digestive support and good supply of needed healthy oils and probiotics - half gallon (64oz)


* Immunity Boost: Lemon, ginger, tonic with raw - ahimsa honey - Alkalizing for the blood and increased immune support - half gallon (64oz)


Micro-nutrients: Sea-moss gel - supplies 92 of the micro minerals and nutrients that make up the body - 4oz


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7 day Plant based, gluten free



Gift yourself a complete gut healing cleanse, reset and revitalization with a fully guided at home catered meal supply


I will provide all the meals freshly prepared with organic, mostly local, fresh from the farm produce. Nothing processed. Everything made from scratch


The menu will be created based on ayurvedic, yogic and holistic nutrition principles, all focused on providing the digestive system nutrients needed to release toxins and re-build healthy flora



Meditation and wellness lifestyle mentoring


Make it a supported physical, mental and emotional cleanse with: guided meditation, mentorship on essential key points for a lifestyle thriving in well-being and living Joy-Fully


Outdoor Fitness Personal Training


Make it all rounded with guided walks, hikes, Exercises, and weight training outdoors immersed in nature. Which gives you the added benefit of your daily supply of Vitamin D and Vitality from the Life-giving rays of Sunshine

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Giving and Receiving

The infinite flow of Aloha

We give our offerings to you overflowing with Pure Love and Appreciation


We receive your contribution as a gift ,

a beautiful exchange in expression of Gratitude


We honor the value of the investment you are making in yourself

May you thrive and prosper every day in every way in ever increasing amounts

Mahalo! Mahalo! ALOHA

3 day Juice Detox



7 day Gut-Rebalancing

$Custom to the number of meals 


Personal training/ meditation

$60 per session


Cash back Bottle Return: $1 per bottle

Big Island Local Pick-up locations for the Juices:


Everyday: Hawi Town 

Tuesdays: Spencer beach park

Saturdays: Waimea farmers market


Areas served for the 7 day Gut-rebalancing:


On Big Island:






In Oahu:



​​You may provide your contribution via Zelle, Cash

or ​

If you prefer to use Credit Card, we are happy to provide a CC link. It will include 4.5% Stripe added fee 

Important note:

Due to the fresh and perishable nature of the juices and meals,

Once you have confirmed and received your supply, refunds or cancellations are not possible

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